April 3


What we do and why we do it.

EON is a student-run and student-oriented organization in the College of Engineering to help introduce new students to the wonders of Penn State engineering. We were founded in 2011 when we realized as smart as PSU engineers are, an extra helping hand is never a bad idea. So we grew from accepting a small group to accepting almost the entire incoming freshmen engineering class. We have created an orientation network of all types of engineers and computer science students and are supported by various College of Engineering faculty and corporate sponsors. We also now extend our orientation to change of campus engineering students coming to University Park.  We may have started from the bottom, but we’re here to stay.

Over the summer, we pair you with a mentor based on an interest form you fill out (we try to match majors, but nothing’s perfect). They can answer all the questions you or your parents can think of. They’ll help with anything from ideas of what to pack, places to find a cheap piece of pizza, to how to take the bus to go to Walmart. You can contact them throughout the year if you’re starting to feel overwhelmed or want to grab a bite to eat. They’ll also keep you informed about our events. It’s practically a symbiotic relationship.

During our orientation actives, learn everything you need to know from day one. Throughout the year we plan professional events, such as resume reviews and engineering major nights, continue to answer questions, and help find resources to make your college life easier.